‘Islam’ is the fastest-growing religion in the entire world. Also, the most dominating and conservative religion. The people who are following the religion of Islam are called Muslims. They believe that the Quran is the word of God. That’s why Muslims always follow the teachings of the prophet Muhammad and the Quranic Sharia law. Most of the Middle Eastern countries have sharia in their country.
The Sharia law is dominating in the kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, and Libya. The rules and regulations are extremely strict there, and all the citizens must follow those rules. However, there are many misconceptions about Islam. Especially, the non-Muslims have no idea what Islam is. As a result, they’re getting brainwashed every day by the far-right propaganda. Here are some unknown facts about Islam.
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The age of Aisha
The final wife of prophet Muhammad was Aisha. She was the daughter of his companion and the first caliphate of Islam, Abu Bakr. According to the Bukahari hadith, Aisha was nine years old when she was married off. The hadith was collected by Imam Bukahari during the 13th century after the five hundred years of prophet Muhammad’s death.
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However, the history and realities are very unfamiliar with the hadith. According to the historian, Aisha was 19 when she was married off. The hadith mistakenly used 9 rather than 19. There was an Arabic grammatical problem for the translator. One of the prominent Islamic scholars, Zakir Naik, said, “Aisha was 19, not 9.”

Obligatory hijab laws
There are many countries where the Islamic Sharia law is enforced. However, among them only Iran has the law of obligatory hijab. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, doesn’t require any women to wear hijab. However, everyone should wear the normal dresses. But in Iran the situation is completely different. After the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the Islamic government took over the country and introduced the law in Iran.
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Although Iran follows a completely different belief than Sunni Muslims, they’re following the Quran as the main source of laws. Meanwhile, the Quran has never mentioned anything about the hijab. Moreover, there are many verses in the Quran stating that women should veil their sensitive body parts.

killing prisoners and non-Muslims
This is the most widely miscommunicated information about Islam around the globe. Many non-Muslims believe that if they try to live in the sharia-ruled countries or any Muslim countries, they will be beheaded or forcefully converted to Islam. For this reason, the Islamophobia throughout the world is flying sharply.
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On the contrary, in the Quran there is a Surah called Ale Imran, where Allah said, “Those who kill a person kill all of humankind.” The Quran mentioned all the people are brothers to each other regardless of their personal beliefs. In Surah Kawsar, Allah said, “Your (Muhammad’s) religion is yours, and their (non-Muslims) religions are theirs.” You don’t belong to them, nor do they belong to you.”.
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Surah, Ale Imran, and Kawsar create more sense about Islam and its ideology of Islam. It’s proven that Islam is the religion of peace, and it’s not harming anyone. We should be respectful to each other and try to follow the teaching of prophet Muhammad in our daily life.
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