Mohammad is a holy name to the Muslim people around the world. According to them, the last true prophet and greatest ever prophet was Mohammad. He was born and raised in Mecca during the 7th century. Since Islam has become one of the dominating religions in the entire world. More and more people are appreciating the true religion in the world. According to the Pew Research Centre, there are more than two billion Muslims in the world.
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Since the Muslim community loves their prophet and respects him so much. That’s why they want to remember him in every moment of their life. Almost every Muslim names themselves as Mohammad. In some countries where Mr. and Ms. are not used so often, rather they’re using Md. and Mst.
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According to the world names, more than 85 million people name themselves Mohammad, which makes it the top name in the world. Muhammad takes the third position, since they have a difference between spellings. And also Mohammed and Mehmet are positioned in the top ten baby names in the world.
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How Mohammad took over the UK

Once the UK was Christian, but after the industrial revolution, they’re becoming more and more secular. At that time their main priority was to expand their territory around the world. As a result, they invaded many Muslim countries in the Middle East and Europe. At that time, they became touched with Islam, and many of them converted to Islam.
Since they have invaded many Muslim countries, many Muslims get jobs in the UK and migrate themselves to the UK. Many of them relocated in search of a good life. The UK also gives the permit to the Commonwealth countries people to migrate into the UK. For this reason, many people migrated from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Middle East. As a result, the number of Muslims is growing.
Because of the immigration, the number of Muslims in the UK increased more than 400% over the past twenty years. In the present day, around 6.5 million Muslims live in the UK out of 58 million Britishers. And many Britishers are converting to Islam. Two years ago, Noah was the most popular name among the British people. However, in recent times the name Mohammad has taken over the UK. Although, if we count Mohamed, Muhammad, and Mehmet as the same, then Mohammad took over the UK around ten years ago.
Mohammad is now the top baby name in the West.
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Mohammad is not just popular in the UK. The name is also getting more and more popular in the United States of America. According to the New York Times, Mohammad is the top name among the newborn babies in New York and one of the ten most popular names in the United States of America. There are multiple reasons behind the situation.
Mass immigration is one of the biggest reasons here. However, every year around 50,000 local Americans are converting to Islam. As a result, the total number of Muslims in the United States and the rest of the world is increasing sharply. Additionally, Muslims want to preserve the legacy of prophet Muhammad. Hence, they’re naming their kids Mohammad or Ahmed.
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