Home Arts Wild Bactrian Camels on the Brink of Extinction

Wild Bactrian Camels on the Brink of Extinction


Wild Bactrian camels are the most beautiful camels in the world. They can be found in Asia’s largest desert, the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert is located in Mongolia and the northern part of the People’s Republic of China. And they can be seen in the Xinjiang province of China.

A wild Bactrian camel can be 2 meters tall and 3 meters wide. A male Wild Bactrian camel’s weight is around 300 kg to 650 kg. It depends on how accessible the foods are to feed them. They have a great advantage that they can also drink water from the ocean.

A wild Bactrian camel can survive in the extreme cold temperature. Even in the minus 41°C, the Wild Bactrian camels can be found. On the other hand, they can also be found in the desert during the extreme heat of summer. A wild Bactrian camel can survive in the hot places where the temperature reached around 46°C during the daytime.

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Why Wild Bactrian camels are classified as endangered animals.

Wild Bectrian Camels

The Wild Bactrian camels were classified as the endangered animal in 2002 by UNESCO. There were only 950 individuals living there at that time. Currently, the numbers of individuals are fewer than five hundred. The scientists are saying that if we can’t protect them now, then it will not be possible to save them.

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There are many reasons why they’re at great risk of extinction. First of all, the populations of Mongolia and China are growing rapidly. As a result, more and more lands were captured by the humans. They destroyed the forests and mountains. For this reason, the number of wild Bactrian camels is losing their homes.

Besides the housing problem, there are many prominent drawbacks. For example, people hunted them frequently during the 19th and 20th centuries. And humans made some of them as domestic camels. During the winter, the wild Bactrian camels need to take a great hibernation. However, in recent times, this is becoming so much tougher for them because of the new big predators in the regions, and humans are also hunting them so frequently.

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Moreover, we need to come forward in order to save the beautiful animal. There are only 500 hundred in the world. If we do not protect them or do not tolerate them. Then, soon the day will come when we will see the extinction of the cute creature.

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Passionate writer exploring the intersections of geopolitics, religion, sports, and science. With a keen eye for analysis and storytelling, I delve into global issues, cultural dynamics, and the human impact of innovation and competition.

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